Thursday, June 12, 2014


Too mad to write.  Really looking forward to Brazil Croatia today and the moron of a referee from Japan gets suckered and calls a penalty on the clearest dive ever seen.  International soccer is like politics in the United States and finance around the world.  We place the most incompetent in the most important positions in order to allow every opportunity for a mistake to be made.  Anyway, sayonara to this guy

Croatian keeper was horrible.  Brazil will move on but will probably go out in the next round unless they get very, very lucky with the draw.  Anyway, the stadium in Sao Paulo didn't fall down which is a good thing.

Nothing happened anyway today except that the market finally figured that Iraq just might be more of a problem than the New York Times would have you believe.  Other than straight news, not a word from management.  The Gray Lady seems to have moved one slot up to The World's Oldest Profession.

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