Thursday, August 9, 2012


The boys in London went nuts this morning over the Stan Chart debacle.  Do we really need this and if not can someone please shut up this fool in New York?  If the bank was naughty, by all means give those involved a fair trial and hang  'em.  If not...

Also as predicted, the Olympics are winding down but in the past 15 days not much has happened which hasn't been good for Mrs. James' litt;e boy Charlie.  I have been adrift but get used to it as we have a couple more weeks to go.  Unfortunately, just because there has been less noise that doesn't mean things have gotten better; they haven't.  Watchers on both sides of the pond are still looking to the Fed and the ECB to save the day with whatever version of QE III or the Euro equivalent thereof, but more and more does one hear expressed the view that maybe this isn't the answer.  It isn't.  And so we wait.  I'm going to try to come up with something interesting over the next couple of days but for this evening I think I'll just savor the really exciting events in London that we have witnessed over the past couple of days.  Women's football is a long way from being perfect but as the commentator said the other day, "No quarter asked, none given."  Great stuff for a rainly afternoon

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