Friday, April 8, 2011


This is going to be brief 'cause we are off to see the grandkids but I waited to get the reaction from Little paulie and his bosses on Ryan's Opus before writing anything. I guess it took a while for Chuck Schumer's talking points to make it to the NY Times newsroom but there it was today in all its glory. Paulie didn't even attempt to make an honest argument, he simply attacked Ryan personally and came very close to lying about what the budget was all about. The Times' leading editorial was no better. However, as bad as they were, the speech on the Senate floor today by the odious Harry Reid overshadowded them all. The Reps are all about denying health care to women according to the majority leader. Really, when will this all stop? At least Ryan had the guts to attempt to start a debate on things that matter. Let's begin, please.

Oh, and speaking of debates, there's going to be a doozy beginning Monday in Blighty as to the future of British banking and we shall be there to cover it. Right now, it's off to the kids. See ya.

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