Thursday, February 10, 2011


Now that we have established that regulations are really not the answer--at least to my satisfaction--what is it that we can do to lay the groundwork for a more stable system? To begin I think we have to agree on one basic point which is that the only institutions that count are those which are truly systemic in nature...that is those which could truly bring down the system. Another thing we must realize is that the true risk a few years back was liquidity not capital and in most financial crises in history that has been the salient fact. Oh, I know that Dodd/Frank has, despite its intentions, created even more systemic risk by the manner in which oversight is being applied and, insatiable as ever, the regulators are attempting to add to that list through the inclusion of hedge funds and alike, but in the end it is the banks and the investment houses that count and we must first deal with them.

The Euros provide a guide as to where we must start. The PIGS are a liquidity problem and they are being delt with through liquidity facilities--messy ones to be sure--but so far they have worked. Whether this is the final solution--apologies Ms. Merkel--or not remains to be seen. You know my views. But what is badly needed is a global liquidity plan which avoids the argumentative issues as to which central bank in which country covers the subsidiary or branch of a bank operating cross borders which was a continuing brawl under Basel II. The world has grown too quickly and with too much complexity for such debates when crises are upon us. Central Banks must agree to a global, permanent liquidity facility in order to prevent the seizing up of the global payments system as occured in 2008. Institutions must be aware that there will be the satisfaction of obligations at the end of the day free from over-arching political considerations on the part of a number of people who haven't a clue as to the nature of the problem or how to deal with it. Ad Hoc rescues of financial institutions simply will not work any more. Where to house such a facility? I haven't a clue but it must be independent to the extent it can be from political interference. That's a mouth-full I know, but there is no other way. Problems: The biggest pot of money in the world today is China, but EVERYTHING in China is political including its central bank. How to deal with it? As some politician said a way back, "That's above my pay grade" (turned out a lot of things were), but someone must make it work.

I've lived too long to believe that a facility like this will not be needed at some future date, but along with it we must devise methods by which we can limit and avoid the worst of the abuses and mistakes that have plauged us throughout our financial history. If at some point an institution or institutions need to access this facility the prerequisite should be a simple one; the management of the institution and it's 10 highest remunerated employees shall be immediately removed, forfeiting all compensation whether vested or not. No appeal. Harsh, you say? Indeed. But, you say, wouldn't that lead to immediate vesting and immediate pay-outs? If it were allowed but of course it wouldn't be as is the case with Dodd/Frank. Trust me. If a plan such as this were in place there would be a hightened (deliberate understatement) oversight of risk management on the part of senior management and business unit management. Somebody dies and everybody pays attention. Selective executions could also occur. Any institution that could not survive as a result of these dismissals shouldn't exist as the size of such an institution subject to these rules demands that it train and have in place layers of individuals ready to assume a management role.

We must also realize that there is a responsibility on the oversight level to insure that such depth of management exists. The management at our largest institutions is generally inbred. Throughout the industry we do a lousy job of training and retraining personnel except in highly select skill sets with little thought as to broad based, external career education set aside from the corporate culture. Oh yes, there are indeed scores of university-based advanced career opportunities. Some are better than others but for the most part they all teach the same thing, with the same biases using the "thrill of the moment" curricula. One year "asset management" is the most important thing in running a bank. The next, it's "liability management." I oversimplify but you get the picture. Further, regulators have the responsibility, as well in my opinion, the right to have if not only a say but the ability to express and opine on the future management of those institutions whose size could pose a risk to the system.

There is nothing wrong with a continuing education program but part of that program should be mandatory for previously identified future candidates for senior management positions. We have set up all sorts of industry sponsored organizations around the country and the globe which, for the most part amount to little more than lobbying sites...and have spent a great deal of money in so doing. What we need, as I have suggested, is an institution akin to the training sites the military has for up-and-coming officers where they can learn not only new theory but from the mistakes of the past. The "cadre" should consist not only of academics but former practicioners and most importantly, senior regulators, both current and retired, whose job it would be not only to train but evaluate those candidates for future management. I would require that in selective management and oversight positions, all candidates would have to be graduates of this school. There is an immense grouping of talent and knowledge in our retired work force that could be put to productive use in an organization such as this as well as current practicioners who could be suborned for a period of time. Suppose we called it Financial Management Staff College ("FMSC").

I come back to another thought that I have had for a while. Very often, institutions act in ways they ordinarily would not simply because a senior manager is in favor--for whatever reason--of "doing the deal." If senior enough, the career decision to oppose is a difficult one. Remember the $80,000,000 loan to Mexico? It was actually part of an $800,000,000 syndicate. We didn't participate because me and my really smart friend, Larry, opposed it in the face of VERY senior personnages. It was the best no deal I ever did but at the time it was not a career winner. But what had there been an independent voice in the room who, in the long term, was not beholding to the management? Suppose there was what we called in the old days and about which I have written the "Bank of England Man," placed in the institution by the regulator not as a spy but to insure to the extent possible, "Best Practices?" Suppose he, she or them were retired risk people from another institution who had probably seen it all, placed in the institution by the FMSC? Save the world? Maybe, maybe not. It couldn't hurt. Right now, I'm off to see the film, "Inside Job" playing at the U. It's about a few old friends in 2008. In the mean time, what do you think, Carter?


  1. Let’s stipulate that only the systemically significant matter.

    I agree that “liquidity is not capital” but “access to credit is trust.” To the extent counterparties perceive that the assets of a firm are mis-marked (over-valued), they will constrain credit and thereby lessen a firms (or a countries) ability to raise new funds.

    This points to an essential truth and an essential conundrum. The truth is: firms can “buy” liquidity in two ways, through size (holding lots of unencumbered assets they could sell) or time (terming out funding, avoiding excessive short-funding of assets). I think the crisis proved that time is superior. The conundrum is: investors prefer short-term borrowing and projects need long-term financing. But note that the conundrum only applies to productive real-world investments: much of the financial arbitrage stuff is all short-term (and can rise and fall with available market liquidity).

    Now central banks were created to provide liquidity to banks to allow them to hold asssets even when market financing was unavailable. But we need to ask whether central banks should be supporting the productive investment or also the financial arbitrage stuff. Perhaps too much of banking has become squeezing the last penny out of the market efficiency argument.

    And it also becomes a global game: once the markets realize that CBs are supporting banks ability to “hold” assets at prices above what can be achieved in the markets, they question the carrying values and creditworthiness of the bank, and refuse to extend credit, making the borrowing bank ever more dependent on the CB.

  2. I’m not sure that I agree that all of the PIIGS problems are liquidity issues. One can look at solvency as the ability to service ones debt. Just as banks may be uncreditworthy if their assets are mismarked, countries may be uncreditworthy if their banking systems (and other payment obligations, say pensions) are mismarked (and they do not have the ability to print their own currency to inflate the way out). Creditors may question the ability of the country to make contractual debt payments. In some cases, as with pensions, the obligations may actually grow over time, calling into question the ability of the borrowing country to grow its way out of the problem. Buying “time” may be a necessary, but not sufficient, solution.

  3. You also mention the “global payments system” – and this is harder to think about. In reality it is not a unified “global payments system” but rather a set of agreements between banks to credit and debit one anothers accounts to effect an exchange of value: back to creditworthiness again. Who should be responsible for this oversight, the countries where the payment is made and received? The country of the relevant currency? I think it is inevitable that conflicts of interest will arise, and countries support of banks effecting cross-border payments will greatly depend on their external financing needs, their belief in market discipline, their willingness to shoulder the moral hazard risk, etc.

  4. You essentially argue for “one world lender-of-last-resort” – or a global central bank. Never thought someone in fly-over country would be an advocate for the New World Order! I think Europe has shown that monetary consolidation without fiscal consolidation doesn’t work. And anyway, we are in pretty much a bipolar monetary world right now (ECB block and US-China block). I don’t believe either of these entities would want to outsource control over their money-supply to a third party (IMF?). At the end of the day, even credit provided by one government to another is a credit decision, albeit one that is not always made on purely economic grounds.

  5. You advocate for all sorts of “sticks” to change incentives of bankers. Selective execution (or perhaps the Singapore caining solution), creating “well-rounded bankers” in the mold of the old Home for Scottish Banking Clerks (HSBC), a Financial Staff Management College (which sounds vaguely like what the French tend to do: my god, both a New World Order advocate and a Francophile!). Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t.

    I tend to view things through a larger lens: stepping way, way back, one can trace the origins of the crisis to the economic imbalances that occurred with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the granting of most-favored-nation trading status to our Chinese friends. The US, as the engine of growth, ran large defecits, allowing China to move from an agrarian to a manufacturing economy, West German to absorb East Germany, and the EU to adopt Eastern Europe. Maybe this was intentional, maybe it was merely inevitable. The Chinese and the Germans needed to invest their dollars somewhere: the Chinese put them into T-Bills (the infamous savings glut) pushing down the interest rate curve, the Germans recycled them through the banking system (with Landesbanks monetizing expiring state guarantees by creating SIVs that were the marginal investor in credit-risky products) which drove down US credit spreads. 9-11 probably screwed things up (couldn’t let the terrorists win by bringing down the financial system, could we? So the FRS loosened the purse strings a bit too much). The average investment banker sought to fulfill their demand by selling them what they wanted. The average American, seeing their return on capital being low and their opportunity cost of borrowing being similarly low, rationally borrowed what they could: we all respond to incentives. Result: bubbles everywhere. Result2: endogenous “pop”

    So…blame the bankers, blame the regulators, blame the Fed: each will say “it’s not you, it’s not me, it’s that guy over there under the tree” – and maybe they’re all right.
