Tuesday, November 16, 2010


"Ah, dear God how in the hell have we gotten ourselves in such a muddle a small little place like us with nary a soul in the world who doesn't think good a us and turns green once a year just to be believin' that us and him are one and suddenly it's not just the bloody Brits but half of Europe goin' fully bonkers and pushin' us where we neither have nor wish to go simply because 'ar bloody banks belong in a country eight times the size ah us and we like let them get that wasy 'cause it was the thing to do and seemed good at the time and of course they were a'lying thro their bloody teeth as to what they were doing and what they had and everybody was clueless (and legless if the truth be known) celebrating how much money was being made and now we'd do a deal with the devil to have the Punt back instead of the bloody Euro hangin' over us like some kind of bloody sword belongin' to that bloody Greek whatever his name was and it was them that started this whole thing the lyin' bastards but it was no problem for them because them with all the cash and weight had their banks in the poop shoot and bail them out they would thank you very much but we have to be shown the door to the bloody IMF which means curtains for us for the next decade not to mention Bridie's little boy Ulysses. Damn all! Are sure, we did it right and proper pumping it out through our own and not goin' to others to help and help our own we did and tell our people this was goin' to hurt and putting a plan in place that would be the envy of anybody with guts and if you just would allow Allied and B of I a bit of space with the ECB we can make this thing go right in a bit and with a mere word from all of them that they consider our credit good a'so the man-eaters out there will take our damned bonds next year but no because they are so damned worried about the Spanish and the Eyetys whose systems are bust as well but them they lied about in that bloody stupid stress test that tested nothing so they want to use us to do when the others have to do but don't want to do to cover their own bums 'cause they know they got it turned all around in March when none of them down south did one bloody thing to stop the spending and now the Austrians are goin' to throw a spanner in the entire works for who knows what reason certainly not meself except for the fact that everybody forgets that Beethoven was a German and Hitler an Austrian not the other way and they started the FIRST BIG ONE too for no damn reason either and we all know how that wound up don't we and all we need is time which we don't have do we especially if the Austrians give a Greeking to the Greeks and what a'you think about this Dedlaus me boyo aside from yourself calling your friend Charlie in America...and what's that you say, let's get a pint? Yes! to that idea! I say Yes,!Yes,! Yes,! Yes,! YES!!

(With apologies to James)

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