Monday, September 20, 2010


Another reason I can't stand this tax code of ours is the toll it takes on the average man. Creating as it does this class warfare approach to politics those who from time to time find themselves holding a short stick tend to fall back on this most ridiculous of all arguments in an attempt to preserve one's position. Take our dear friend Paulie Krugman. He did it again in the Times this morning. His beloved Democratic party, looking a bit iffy this fall, has lured our Paulie into making a fool out of himself once again with the class warfare approach only this time in spades. Today Paulie attacked the RICH (horrors!) as the one's to blame for The Leader's dramatic fall for grace and for leading the charge against The Leader's demand that The Bush tax cuts be reversed. Imagine, people attempting to prevent that for which they worked being taken away from them. And he got personal, calling out Steven Schwartzman as one of the Leader's of the pack.

It would appear that our Paulie has gone completely around the twist. Paulie seems to believe that guys like Schwartzman are "wallowing in self-pity and self-righteousness"in attempting to hold on to what they earned. In battling it out on this class battleground Mr. Krugman has shown that he is not only a bit deranged but sorta stupid as well.

Putting aside for a moment that Mr. Krugman is a man of considerable wealth himself, in this tirade he proves that he knows nothing whatsoever, as so many academics do not, as to what happens in the real world or what makes people tick. There were few on the street who were more ardent or generous supporters of the Obama campaign than Mr. Schwartzman. Mr. Schwartzman is not "wallowing in self-pity," he's simply mad as hell because folks like Mr. Schwartzman don't like to realize that they have been made to look the fool and believe that they have been misled. In short, folks like Mr. Schwartzman have always believed that they were the smartest guys in the room and, as I have said before, realizing they've been suckered makes them mad, very mad. You see Mr Krugman, M. Schwartzman has an ego as big as yours, but even without that ego a regular guy on the street--a Joe the Plumber type--knows when he's been suckered and he doesn't like it. So Paulie, are you going to keep trying to sucker people or are you willing to cast aside your class warfare crap and begin to use your considerable intellect to help solve this problem? Your call.

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