Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Just back to earth after watching England go through with a workmanship performance and the United States take the Group in a heart-stopping match of the highest quality.  If ever a side deserved a result, this was the one and the manner in which they played together and achieved success was nothing short of spectacular.

I wouldn't go so far as to say soccer is a window to the world, but this mob in Washington might want to look in a gain a few lessons from this United States squad.  Today was not a good day for this administration (except in the eyes of the mainstream media who are desperately looking for something good to say about The Leader.  "The new Harry Truman" is the cry going up  (Apologies, by the way. It was not HST and a bucket of warm spit but Alvin Barkley---thanks to reader George).  L'Affair McCrystal on the eve of the G-20 summit is not helpful.  I suppose his handler think this makes Obama look strong: I think it makes him look the fool because the rest of the world will not view this as being about one man but about an administration in complete disarray.  Afganinstan  is Mr. Obama's war:  the man he has now put in charge is the man excoriated by The Leader and his colleagues in the party less than three years ago and is actually taking a demotion to conduct this action.  Looks like we may have a few holes on the bench where four-star generals usually sit.  World leadership does not come from actions such as this.  Just a personal thought...then again what else does one find in a blog?  Dummy.

Unfortunate in it's timing was a completely nonsensical puff piece in the Journal op ed page today from the dynamic duo of The Suit the lately quiet Larry Summers.  Read it for a laugh because that's what everyone who will be in Canada over the weekend will be doing.  It is becoming increasingly clear that the element of "every man for himself" is becoming dominant in these financial discussions and I would be quite surprised if the result of this latest go-round is anything more.  Again, we appear not to have a clue and even less influence but we shall see.

Perhaps you have noticed that I have chosen not to comment on the negotiations in Congress as to the financial services legislation.  Simple reason: I haven't a clue other than what I read in the papers and from what I read it appears that not too many folks in Congress have a clue either.  So I shall choose to wait until the final version arrives which hopefully will not interfere with the Ghana match on Saturday.  Us against a continent.  Should be a cracker.

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