Wednesday, July 1, 2009


They'll be here shortly which means I shut down for the long weekend. But before that we must point out that the bank salvation is about to take place with Our Hero's shop identifying the participants in the asset purchase plan. They are, of course, the usual suspects. It is amusing don't you think that these rough and ready capitalists wouldn't touch this idea with a ten foot pole unless a whole hell of a lot of taxpayer's money was thrown at them which is exactly what is happening. Then again, it may still not get off the ground as I still fail to see any incentive for the present holders of troubled assets to participate now that the accounting issues are behind them and everybody in the government who is sponsoring this idea from The Leader and Our Hero on down are convinced that things are getting better. As we have pointed out before, why not capture the gains yourself?

So that got me thinking; if this thing really does get off the ground, one of two things might be going on. One, The Leader has twisted arms again to have folks operate against their best interests or two, the folks running the banks these days really don't like what they see down the road. Or both. In the mean time, the consumer protection agency or whatever the hell it's going to be called is gearing up and from what is being said it looks like another disaster in the making. Finally, the passing of the "cap and trade" legislation in the House has set the stage for what is going to become one of the biggest government sponsored rip-offs of the taxpayer that we have ever seen by none other than those wonderful folks who brought you the last 18 months of joy and fun: the bankers of Wall Street. But, that's for next week because the grandkids just arrived and it's fun time. I think we should all keep in mind, however, what was done 233 years ago and the bravery of those few men who signed that historic document. "Our lives, our fortunes and our Sacred Honor" (it was capitalized). They meant it. Are there such leaders today?

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