Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Well, they're off again to seeke the Mayter…no not really.  They're in Davos hoping to be seen and if so confirming their belief in themselves that they are truly God's chosen.  Geoffrey old boy, where are you?  Could you imagine the descriptions that he could come up with of this mob?  For the life of me I don't understand why a collection of governors of states in the Fly-Over Zone don't get together and propose a alternative in any of ten cities on a rotating basis to compete with this clown show.  Do you realize that on any weekend in the fall, countless cities, all with at least one if not more major universities housing frightful brain power, hold host to invaders of 50,000+ for a weekends without a hitch, with plenty of hotel rooms, plenty of good restaurants, skiing within an hour, excellent transportation, and costs that are a pittance of what is wasted in Davos.  More importantly, TV coverage is phenomenal!  Instant replays on anything that is said that is important (few of those perhaps) leaving time for nonsensical one-on-ones with the talking heads fawning all over the participants and asking questions that a 12 year old could answer.  Sounds like a good idea to me, so come on Govs, get off the stick and do the world a favor. Sell it!

In the mean time, we shall report tomorrow on the goings-on and some thoughts, based on the comments we receive from Over There as to what the future might bring.  See you at the Tabbard…it's in Southwalk you know.

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