Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Jacob/Jack got his meeting late this afternoon with his French counterpart.  Nothing of importance was discussed.  Fresh from that diplomatic victory he journeyed on to Berlin to meet the German minister.  I have no idea what was discussed there but being Germany, there had to be an agenda if it consisted of nothing more than a discussion of the Herring run this year.

Meanwhile, leaping to the top of the Euro Hit Parade was the shock and awe over the announcement that the Greek Finance Ministry has just concluded the review of a report that shows without question or doubt that Germany owes Greece a Gazillion Euros in reparations from WW II and a somewhat smaller although still meaningful amount from WW I.  What that is going to accomplish is presently boggling better minds than mine but I guess the reports of good feelings between the German and Greek financial heads were somewhat overstated.  That the Greeks suffered mightily under Nazi rule cannot be denied but I though all this reparation stuff was settled by some agreement back in the fifties so other than a bile-raiser for the Greek populous I don't really see what was meant to be accomplished...except, perhaps, just that and a reminder to all on the part of some that Grandpa's grey uniform still hangs in the back of many a German closet.  Jacob/Jack take notice.

Still Over There, Slovenia seems to be next up as the disaster du Jour as the OECD released a truly awful report on the state of the country's finances and especially its banks while the body language encompassing Portugal has taken on an even more negative aspect.  This is moving at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought with questions now beginning to be asked if it is really worth it.  Reports today, which I haven't seen, had George Soros advising the Germans to abandon the Euro.  "good for everybody" was reportedly the reason given...especially George, I would add in some yet unknown way.  But through all this Angie stands firm until the election at least if she can keep the lid on until then.  And what after?  Same problems, same lack of solutions acceptable to the Volk.  We have to lose someone in the meantime I would think.  I still believe before year end.  Thoughts?

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